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Jayce Born

Grade/Major: Senior Psychology/Criminal Justice

Hometown: Lancaster, OH

Position: Outside Hitter

Favorite Animal: Duck!

Favorite Activity outside of school: Eating cupcakes

Most embarrassing athletic moment: Getting my braces stuck in the volleyball net my first Varsity game Freshman year of high school

What other sport would you compete in if you didn’t play volleyball: Softball, or curling

Favorite volleyball moment to date: The experience of the NCAA Tournament

If you could have any super power, what would it be: Apparation, aka being Harry Potter

If someone made a movie about your life, what would it be called: Perfectly Planned Awkwardness

Name a strange talent you have: the baby crying noise

Idea of a perfect date: Chipotle, chocolate cake, and a nap

Best Halloween costume you’ve ever done: Wonka Bar and a Golden Ticket with my favorite little one, Lauren Stahl

Favorite board to pin on Pinterest: “Pretty in Anything” aka ALL THE CLOTHES

What is the weirdest thing you have ever eaten: Live Worms

Explain the item in your picture: I’m going to law school and I’m going to hate myself so I have this gavel in case I need to hit something

Are you excited for this season?!?!: It’s bittersweet to  be entering my last year of competitive athletics, but I couldn’t ask for a better volleyball family to experience it with me.

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