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Courtney Ritter

Grade/Major: Pharmacy, P2

Hometown: Findlay, OH

Position: Setter

Favorite Animal: Horse

Favorite Activity outside of school: Playing volleyball any chance I get.

Favorite sports team: Ohio State

What other sport would you compete in if you didn’t play volleyball: Basketball

Favorite volleyball moment to date: Whenever one of my hitters get a SWEET kill.

If you could have any super power, what would it be: Read people’s minds.

Name a strange talent you have: A sound that is emitted from my mouth when I rub my tongue along the roof of my mouth

Idea of a perfect date: Riding in a truck along country roads listening to music then laying underneath the stars.

If you could only shop at one store for the rest of your life, what would it be: Victoria’s Secret

Best dance move you have made: My dancing scares people away so I don’t dance.

Best Halloween costume you’ve ever done: My friends and I dressed as the characters from Clue.

A phrase or word you always use: I’m sorry!

Favorite board to pin on Pinterest: FOOD!!

If you were a dinosaur, which one would you be and what would your name be: Velociraptor by the name of Screech

Funniest pick up line used on you: My sister practices her pickup lines on me

What is the weirdest thing you have ever eaten: Cattle Feed

Explain the item in your picture: It’s a hat that says Ritter Farms which is my family farm that I was born and raised on.

Are you excited for this season?!?!: YES

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