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Jena Schlabach

Grade/Major: Pharmacy – P1

Hometown: Dalton, Ohio

Position: Defensive Specialist

Favorite Animal: Turtle

Favorite Activity outside of school: Volleyball or just hanging out with my friends

Favorite sports team: The Cleveland Browns, The Cleveland Indians, and the Buckeyes!

Most embarrassing athletic moment: In basketball in 7th grade, I shot at our own hoop, luckily I missed!

What other sport would you compete in if you didn’t play volleyball: Basketball or Softball

Favorite volleyball moment to date: Going to state my sophomore year of high school

If you could have any super power, what would it be: Flying for sure!

Name a strange talent you have: I can touch my tongue to my nose

Idea of a perfect date: Watching a movie and eating ice cream together

If you could only shop at one store for the rest of your life, what would it be: Dicks Sporting Goods

Favorite board to pin on Pinterest: Favorite Recipes – aka things I wish I could cook!

If there was an impending zombie apocalypse, what would be your weapon of choice and why: I can only shoot a Nerf gun, so I guess that’s my only option  

What is the weirdest thing you have ever eaten: Spaghetti like Buddy the Elf eats it – with syrup, marshmallow, and Pop Tarts

Explain the item in your picture: I’m a Pharmacy major!

Are you excited for this season?!?!:  Excited is definitely an understatement!! 

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