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Julia Fuerst

Name: Fiercy

Grade/Major:  MPPA – Forensic Accounting and Auditing Services

Hometown:  Kalida, OH

Most embarrassing athletic moment: Too many to remember…..

What other sport would you compete in if you didn’t play volleyball: Basketball

Favorite volleyball moment to date: Just getting to play with these girls every week and sometimes more if we can manage it!

If you could have any super power, what would it be: To fly

Best dance move you have made: I took ballet as a kid just so I could walk and chew gum at the same time…..

Funniest pick up line used on you: A text convo: Him: Did it hurt? Me: what? Him: When you fell from heaven. Me: Wow…. Can’t believe guys still try to use that one.  Him: Well I’ve got plenty more where that came from, I’m extremely cheesy.  Me: Greeeaaat…..

Favorite board to pin on Pinterest: I don’t have a Pinterest because I already waste enough time looking at other people’s boards.

Longest period of time you have ever watched Netflix: 8 hours…. Don’t judge me.

Explanation of item in the picture:  It is the second book of the Lord of the Rings series by Tolkien, which I am currently reading in my free time.  I am a huge book worm when I don’t have homework taking up all of my time and I am a big fan of Lord of the Rings so it fit.


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