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Megan Bishop

Grade/Major: P1/Pharmacy
Hometown: Nelsonville, OH
Position: Defensive Specialist
Favorite Activity outside of school: Netflix!
Most embarrassing athletic moment: On senior night I was crowded around with my
fellow seniors after the coin toss and we were all crying our eyes out when one of my
teammates said something too funny, and with my unstable emotions, I ended up
peeing my pants and I had to miss the first half of our warm ups. :/
If someone made a movie about your life, what would it be called: A tale of unfortunate events (I have horrible luck)
Name a strange talent you have: I can belch extremely loud, louder than most men.
Idea of a perfect date: Padrones pizza, Arnold Palmer, and Netflix
Best Halloween costume you’ve ever done: Clark Kent
A phrase or word you always use: “Sorry ‘bout it”
Favorite board to pin on Pinterest: “If I could cook…” I’m a terrible cook/baker, but I love checking out recipes of things that I one day will learn how to make.
If you were a dinosaur, which one would you be and what would your name be: I would totally be a velociraptor, and my name would be Velma
Funniest pick up line used on you: “I don’t have a library card, but do you mind if I check you out?”
If there was an impending zombie apocalypse, what would be your weapon of choice and why: Definitely a lightsaber, because why not?
Longest period of time you have ever watched Netflix: I think it’s safe to say that I have watched Netflix before from the time I woke up and skipped out on sleep that night to continue watching it. At least 24 hours easily, I’m addicted.
Explain the item in your picture: My item is a coffee mug that says “ONU College of
Pharmacy” on it. I am an extreme coffee addict and I am a pharmacy major, so it’s
Are you excited for this season?!?!: So excited! I love my new team and I can’t wait to start competing with them, we’re going to kick butt!

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